Sunday, November 26, 2023

Перші тести першого сценарію Art of Napoleonics

 Нарешті добрався до тестування історичного сценарію для фішечної версії Art of Napoleonics.

Перший сценарій я обрав вже давно — ключовий епізод бою за Ельхінген в 1805. Підібрав мапу, порахував наряд сил — дивізію Луї Луазона та частину сил корпусу Йоганна Ріша. Але спочатку довго вирішував, де та як виготовити тестові фішки. В результаті надрукував їх в Riznoriz на 1,5-мм МДФ, а маркування зробив Володя Богма — фарбою через трафарет типу "офіцерська лінійка".

25 листопада цей день настав — перший тест. Причому навіть не соло, а проти опонента — Макс, 13 років, кілька разів грав у Art of Napoleonics з мініатюрами.

Головний підсумок — гра у фішечному варіанті та з обраними розмірами фішок цілком іграбельна! Але все по порядку.

Стартова розстановка (фотки клікабельні):

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

A New Perspective for Art of Napoleonics

Recently, in a conversation with Anton, I came up with the idea that acrylic counters can replace miniatures for my Art of Napoleonics and the game thus can be played remotely. But that's where the idea stalled.

Suddenly, after a couple of weeks, I got to know a publisher/seller of tabletop books in Ukraine. He looked at my rules on Art of Napoleonics and suggested that I rework them into a boxed wargame with counters, develop and test historical scenarios and try to release the game.

Eyes are afraid, but hands itching )

Oleg also suggests that I adapt my rules to the Cossack–Polish War 1648-1657. Because our history is a white spot in the games. So I'm looking for literature to immerse myself.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

First AoT game after I returned to Bucha in Spring-2022

After I had returned to my hometown Bucha in April after the Russian occupation, I was extremely glad to see my wargaming collection intact. My friend-wargamers were glad too! Being caught up in this excitement, I promptly planned a lengthy remote AoT game with my friend Kyrylo from Dnipro.

My idea was to try an offensive with numerous Soviet infantry without much artillery or air support against an elite German group — when the Red Army tries to beat quality through quantity. To do this, we set up a game scenario loosely based on the battles around Bila Tserkva (Kyiv region) in the second half of July 1941 when the 1st Panzer Gruppe was repulsing the counter-attacks of the Soviet 26th Army.

The game was divided into two stages. The first stage: the offensive of the Red Army on the map with 6 large and 6 small mapboards.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

New name for the game system

Our community has taken the Art of Tactic WWII system as a trophy after Russian aggression (and after Zvezda discontinued supporting the system).

Now we are choosing a new name for the game as some people don't want to try it because they think it's a Russian game although we changed a substantial part of the rules and added lots of non-zvezda units.

Our current favorite is Tabletop Tactics which may be shortened as TT or TTT.

Full name variant:

Tabletop Tactics: Hex-Based WWII Game

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Huge AoT battle played offline in Bucha 2022/05/12-13

 Having found my Art of Tactic collection intact upon returning to Bucha, out of euphoria I invited to my home the only player who remained in the vicinity, Arlink, and we played a huge two-day offline battle. 25 turns, 12 Hot War mapboards, 40+ units for the British and 30+ for the Germans...  North African December of 1942 replayed in spring Bucha recovering from Russian occupation... That was epic.

I'm gonna publish a more detailed battle report later when I have time.

It was loosely based on the Battle of El Agheila or Mersa Brega, 12-18 December 1942.

British troops were advancing on two roads, the coastal one (5th Royal Tank Regiment with reinforcements) and the desert one (5th Infantry Brigade).

The Germans were defending with one infantry regiment, one of whose battalions will arrive only on Turn 7. After Turn 13 move, reinforcements from the 15th Panzer Division were to arrive for a counterattack.

The positions of the Germans were divided into two zones, A and B. In each zone there are 7 key hexes, marked on the map with the appropriate letters. In El Agheila, a German ammunition depot is located in a hex with the letter B in a circle.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Баталія 2х1: британці наступають, Вермахт обороняється

На початку січня відіграли дистанційно (Telegram + Discord) цікаву партію — наступ британців на німецькі позиції в умовній Італії-1943.

Грали 2х1: за британців Андрій (Дніпро), за німців два Кирила (один із Дніпра, другий із Київської області).